Critical thinking for enlightened voters

With the 2025 midterm elections fast approaching, potential candidates are already coming up with different ways to get the attention of voters, as they hope to be among those chosen for public service.
Advancements in technology through the use of digital platforms in campaigning have their pros and cons, but sadly, have become one of the many reasons why the electorate is misled into thinking they’re voting for a credible candidate.
Two months ago, news headlines were filled with the names of those filing their certificates of candidacy, with some individuals stealing the spotlight mainly for being celebrities, vloggers, and influencers. People are of divided opinion, with some supporting the candidacy of celebrities, and others airing disappointment and concern on recent developments in Philippine politics.
With the election of inexperienced public servants leading to problems in both the local and national levels, one must ask: how can we help the younger generation choose the right candidates in the upcoming elections?
Specific set of qualifications. Candidates for certain government post must meet a specific set of qualifications. For those seeking senatorial seats, the Constitution provides that they must be natural-born citizens and at least 35 years old on the day of the election. They must be able to read and write, are registered voters, and residents of the Philippines for not less than two years immediately preceding the day of the election.
At the same time, they must have knowledge and experience on how to handle the public office they’re seeking. In the event that they win, their lack of ability to attend to their responsibilities could mean more problems for us. History has proven this, and repeating the same mistake will make a fool out of us.
What is the simplest way to avoid these? There is a need to train our learners to think critically and weigh their decisions before making them.
Informed choices. This means making decisions that result from a careful and in-depth analysis of the pros and cons of a certain choice. This ability to make informed choices makes one a critical thinker. Critical thinking ability is developed by first asking the right questions that may lead to the intended outcome.
However, asking the right question is another ability that must be cultivated among Filipino learners. In school, teachers ask questions that require higher order thinking skills, which will help learners navigate through possible outcomes by making predictions out of the data they have gathered. At home, parents can do a similar exercise by conversing with their children regarding the outcome of something they need to decide on. The learners are then trained to think of possible outcomes and how these can affect them in the short and long term. The same goes with choosing the right candidate for a public office.
Political agenda. Critical thinking will be necessary in going over the political agenda of candidates. This means weighing if their political platform is doable and realistic within the time frame that they occupy public office. Further, counterchecking their track record and academic background is important.
Having the ability to fact-check resource materials must be taught to learners even at an early age. With social media dominating the source of information these days, younger generations must be taught to discern the truth and those that were just made up.
Another problem that we have is the vulnerability of Filipinos to the ploys of some candidates to bring along with them celebrities like actors and actresses, singers, and other influencers to gain the support of potential followers.
In our struggle to preserve democracy and justice in our beloved country, the power to make a change and make a difference lies in our ability to elect the right public officials whose interest is above and beyond personal ambitions. The kind of life we and our loved ones would have largely depends on the people to whom we’d give power in the 2025 midterm elections. May God bless the Philippines!
Reynald Alfred Auzana Recede is a science teacher at Marikina High School.