Doubly blessed

I have a good friend named Benny, who is doubly blessed. He is “mapalad,” blessed with material possessions, but also, he is “malapad,” blessed with a big body, and a big heart that shares so much to so many. May we all become doubly blessed. May we, who receive blessings from the Lord, be also generous to others.
In today’s Gospel (Luke 6:17, 20-26), the Lord teaches us the Beatitudes, the “be-attitudes” that will guide us in our journey on earth and help us navigate our way through this valley of tears and fears, and give us hope and courage to find our way back home to God’s heart. The way of the Beatitudes is our way from selfishness to generosity.
The Beatitudes remind us that there is dignity, there is merit and there is hope for those who suffer now. Sufferings, persecution, and deprivations are temporary. Heaven awaits those who follow the Lord on the way of the cross. Eternal suffering awaits those who lived selfish, proud, and uncaring lives on this earth.
Mama and Papa taught us “merito,” a very simple spirituality about offering whatever sufferings, deprivation, pain, and even persecutions, that will help us merit eternal life. They taught us to be patient, to be humble. They taught us that it is all right to be the last, the least, the quiet, the unnoticed. They taught us to just pray, to be hidden, and to let the world go by, and to be happy in God’s presence.
Believe, Trust, Surrender. BTS! As we journey on through valleys and hills, with our tears and fears, may we continue to focus on the Lord, not on the load. May we continue to believe God loves us; trust that He will help us; and surrender to His loving will and plans for us.
I have counseled many tired, broken, lonely, and battered people. In the end, the bottom-line picture that helps them to see the light and get the strength to go on are the “Beatitudes.” It makes them accept that they are still blessed in spite of their miserable and seemingly impossible situation. What a mighty loving God we have, who has given us so much hope, meaning, and salvation through the crosses that we carry as we journey on.
While the Beatitudes, the “Sermon on the Mount” give us hope and consolation, they should also empower us to go down from the mountain and face our reality bravely. Filled with hope and consolation. We must go and spread this message of hope to others, too. In other words, the Beatitudes should lead us not only to accept but also to improve our situation. The Beatitudes gives us “new eyes” to help us see more clearly, and to love more deeply.
The opposite of “be-attitudes” is the “me-attitudes.” Let us ask the Holy Spirit to cleanse us of our selfishness and pride. Come Holy Spirit, we need You! Help us to live a life that is not so focused on “I-me-myself.” Remind us that there is You, and that there are others, too. Amen.
Our life will end. That’s for sure, sooner or later. May we not be filled with regrets in the end that we loved God and others too little, too late, all because we loved ourselves too much.
Are you more on the “getting-mode”? Are you always on the “what’s in it for me?”; Are you still on the “have-more” mindset? So, when will you shift to give more, share more? When will you start “God-first,” and “others-too”? When will you finally realize that this life is not all about you, and that your final song should not be “I did it my way,” but rather, “I did it His way”? God’s will, God’s way, God’s time, not my will, my way, my time.
Let me end with the last line from the song “Vincent” by Don McLean: “But I could have told you Vincent, this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you.” Whatever trials, failures, challenges, and problems we go through, let us continue to stay good and beautiful. Hold on to the Beatitudes, and you’ll not end up as a person with an attitude.
A moment with the Lord:
Lord, help me to live a life that is filled with Your blessings, and a life that is generous to others with Your blessings. Amen.