Earth Hour is not passé
Earth Hour has passed. Did you switch off nonessential lights? If yes, that’s great!
While millions have participated in the annual Earth Hour activity, which took place this year on March 23 from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., many argued that switching off lights for an hour or Earth Hour itself does not significantly help and is no longer relevant.
That is saddening. However, it is imperative to recognize that switching off lights for an hour is a global movement to benefit the environment and the future. Moreover, there are actually a myriad of actions as well as counterparts for Earth Hour that individuals can take to contribute to a more sustainable environment, such as reducing energy consumption overall, advocating for and supporting conservation efforts alike, joining clean-up drives, and spreading environmental education.
While Earth Hour has passed, it is not passé.
Jhon Steven C.
Surigao City
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