Go out and vote for freedom

What holds a nation together? The same goals and visions. That’s why we’re looking for politicians with a vision not about money and building a dynasty, but about improving the quality of life and more civil rights for everyone. So not just for “me” and “my” family. But for “you” and “your” family.
Respect for freedom of expression and the duty to protect people from fake news and conspiracy theories are now also part of the duty of care of every medium toward its readers.
When we go to the polls, we should also think about where we want to be as a nation in five or 10 years, but everyone has to decide for themselves.
If you don’t vote, you’re leaving your own life decisions to others. Who would want that? So please go out and vote! And it’s about freedom. “Freedom is always the freedom of those who think differently,” (Rosa Luxemburg, German feminist and pacifist).
Jürgen Schöfer ,Ph.D.,