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Just have faith
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Just have faith


Question: When you mix your coffee or tea, do you use your left hand or your right hand? Me? I use a small spoon, a “kutsarita!”

In today’s Gospel (Mark 5:21-43) Jesus reminds us: “Do not be afraid; just have faith.” “Faith” is the kutsarita that we should have and use more, especially when we encounter “hot waters” in our journey. Let us allow God to help us in our journey. Let us allow faith to lift and uplift us.

We have to know our limitations in dealing with life’s problems. We have to learn to choose our battles and conserve our energy, otherwise, we get burned out. We also have to know and accept that there are possibilities, there are aids to help us navigate through life, and one of these is faith. The world tells us to fight bravely our battles. Faith tells us that there is Someone who will help us fight our battles.

Faith is not a cop-out or a flight from life’s realities. On the contrary, faith helps us to see life’s realities in a bigger, deeper, and more meaningful way. Faith elevates us from our short-sighted view to the “big picture.”

Faith is difficult to accept for some because it is difficult for them to submit to someone bigger than themselves. (Read: “I am the master of my life and my destiny!”) Humility is the key to faith. Without humility, we will go on living a life that revolves around ourselves, our opinions, our plans, our idealism, our passions, and our desires. Faith is an invitation to go out of our narrow, limited, and selfish world, and be led by Someone who is greater, and more knowledgeable, more loving than you and I. Faith is the big “letting go and letting God.”

Yesterday, I met Kat and EJ who told me the good news that they are finally going to have a baby. They have tried all sorts of interventions, workouts, and treatments for three years now, but Kat always had a miscarriage. Finally, they decided to just trust the Lord, and then, it happened. Give faith a chance, and you’ll see results, breakthroughs, and even miracles happen in your life.

Faith is a gift. I thank God for the gift of faith and the people who planted, nurtured, and instilled faith in my heart. I thank God for the people who share and strengthen my faith. Thank you, schoolmates, province-mates, soulmates, classmates, canz-mates, and faith-mates!

As I look back, I can humbly say that my whole life was not so much a career journey, a financial journey, or a fame journey, but a faith journey. These past 70 years were not just about believing in something, as believing in Someone whom I know, loves me very much, and that has made all the difference in my life. Not a smooth journey. Not a perfect journey at all on my side, but it was all a journey to God’s heart, and His call to become a better person, to serve, and to love.

See Also

BTS! Believe. Trust. Surrender. Believe that God loves you, no matter what. Trust that the Lord hears you and He will help you. Surrender to God’s loving will and plan for you!

“Don’t keep the faith; spread it!” This means that we who were gifted with faith must share our faith. Faith is something that we must not only keep to ourselves. Yes, let us share our faith horizon with others. Let us share the God we believe in, and the God whom we serve.

Our 120 overseas Filipino SVD missionaries serving in about 40 countries all over the world continue to share their faith. We, who were once a “mission receiving” country, are now a “mission sending” country. Let us continue to pray for our missionaries “out there” braving deprivation, loneliness, even persecution for the sake of the Gospel. Please remember that we, too, “in here” have a mission to keep the flame of faith alive. “May the darkness of sin and the night of unbelief vanish before the light of the Word and the Spirit of Grace. And may the Heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all. Amen!” (St. Arnold Janssen)

A moment with the Lord.Lord, help us to remember that faith can and does make a difference in our lives. Amen.

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