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Kindness, compassion, and love this season
Dark Light

Kindness, compassion, and love this season


On our way to the home of our kids, my husband and I saw many people who were begging. It was a sight that deeply touched our hearts. As we passed by the bustling streets, we couldn’t help but notice how some individuals were vulnerable and in need of basic necessities.

Among them, there were families with young children, elderly individuals, and even people with disability desperately seeking help from passersby. In the biblical narrative, the story of St. Joseph and Mama Mary searching for a place to stay during the birth of Jesus holds a profound reflection on those individuals we saw. The couple, being unable to find any room in an inn, reveals the harsh and unforgiving nature of the world at that time. It underscores the lack of compassion and empathy in society, highlighting the need for a more inclusive and caring community.

The inability of the couple to find accommodation in the inn symbolizes the rejection and marginalization faced by many individuals in our society. It portrays a society that prioritizes material wealth and status over compassion and inclusion. The innkeeper’s decision to turn the couple away simply because there was no room highlights the lack of empathy and understanding present in society at the time. This reflection serves as a reminder for us to pause and reflect on the importance of being compassionate toward others, especially those in vulnerable situations. This serves as a call to action for our government to embrace a more inclusive and compassionate approach toward one another, creating a society where everyone can find acceptance and support regardless of their circumstances.

Their presence served as a humbling reminder that the spirit of Christmas is not just about giving gifts and indulging in abundance, but also about extending a helping hand to those who are less fortunate. It is essential for us to remember that the true spirit of Christmas lies in spreading kindness, compassion, and love to everyone around us, especially to those who need it the most.

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Marikina City

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