Love is never a waste of time

They say love comes when you least expect it, when you stop searching for it so desperately, and it arrives naturally. I believed in that principle for so long, and now I understand that love is a powerful, natural force.
Love is undeniably beautiful—something everyone yearns for, something we all secretly wish we could grasp with ease. But it isn’t as simple as we hope.
A few months before meeting you, I had just ended a relationship with a boy younger than me by a year—immature and riddled with insecurities. His doubts clung to him like a heavy cologne, exhausting me as I tried to support him. I stuck it out for a while because, despite everything, I loved him.
The final straw came when he accused me of cheating, calling me a two-faced woman who had time for everyone but him. What he couldn’t understand was that I was a girl juggling responsibilities far greater than our relationship. I always made time for him, no matter what.
When that relationship ended, I felt a sense of relief, freed from the exhaustion of essentially “babysitting” him. I cared for him, but perhaps he and his friends thought less of my efforts.
After that, I breathed fresh air once more. Though I was still busy with academics and extracurriculars, I had time for the people I truly cared about. I showed up for them, and they did the same for me. That was the treatment I had always shared and received, yet somehow, it became a weakness that led to conflicts with my previous partners.
A few months passed, and my best friends set a date for a reunion. I seized the opportunity. The hangout was an event filled with creative people dressed as their favorite characters from shows, animés, and video games.
This is where we first met—officially, face to face.
I had heard your name multiple times before, having had only brief interactions through our online calls. At first, I didn’t talk to you or even look your way. But when we went to eat and our friends continued to explore the area, I finally turned to you. I took you in, from head to toe, and suddenly, I noticed you.
Perhaps you noticed me, too.
We talked about our upbringings and passions, and shared stories that would bring laughter if only people knew the full context. That was when I realized you had stolen my attention. You were charming and captivating with every word you spoke. It didn’t hurt that you were undeniably handsome—many would consider you “eye candy,” a delight to behold.
As we shared dinner and explored the bustling event, we became inseparable. You and I stuck together like glue. I could tell you enjoyed our conversations, you appreciated the attention I gave you, and I knew I liked what was blossoming between us.
As we moved to a different area, it was clear we were exchanging glances, yet we hesitated to make physical contact, even though we secretly wished to. Even when we went to grab drinks, we dared not touch hands, but I could feel your desire, just as you could feel mine.
When we returned to my best friend’s condo, we continued to share the spark we had ignited, laughing and drinking together. We were both waiting for the other to make a move, to say something, but somehow, we couldn’t.
The next day, you took the first step. You led me by gently holding my hand, your gaze fixed on my face, and I felt a rush of warmth.
As the day came to a close, we both knew. We just knew we were meant for each other. How quickly could fate bring two similar souls together? Did fate unite us to heal from our pasts or to break each other’s hearts again?
My questions would soon be answered as we began seeing each other in secret. We loved each other, giving one another the comfort of companionship, but we didn’t have the time to fully commit.
Alas, that was my mistake. I wanted more, but you didn’t. You grew distant, and I was left hurting. The man I had thought was my soulmate felt like a stranger, someone I barely knew.
When we stopped talking, the pain was hard to bear. I had learned to love again, but at what cost? I loved, but I felt like a fool for loving someone who couldn’t reciprocate the way I needed.
Despite the hurt and the late-night tears, I slowly learned to cope and move on. I used this experience to grow, channeling my heartache into writing, healing from the love I lost, and rediscovering my worth.
Now, as I look back, I feel fortunate to have loved you, despite everything. You made me feel seen, even if only temporarily. Now, I have found someone special—someone worth the wait, someone who sees me, all of me, just as I saw you.
And so, I thank you. I thank you for our time and the love we shared.
Love is a beautiful thing, and sometimes, through impulsive acts and sudden jolts of emotion, the universe brings us together. Even if it was brief, the love we experienced was real.
You were real, and now I hope you come to realize that for yourself.
Angeline Ashlee Marquez, 20, is a student at De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde, pursuing a degree in governance and public affairs.