Mysterious stem cells: LCT procedure (3)

Nine friends joined me in going to Germany to undergo the living cell therapy (LCT) scheduled on July 14 (Sunday) to July 19 (Friday), 2024. For confidentiality, I will not identify the patients.
THE LCT WAS CONDUCTED IN THE NEARBY TOWN of Bad Tölz because the hotel in Lenggries was under renovation. We arrived at the BSW Isarwinkel Hotel in Bad Tölz about 12:15 p.m. on July 14. I was assigned to Room 220 while my daughter Len and my personal nurse Leonor Ching to Room 219.
After a light lunch at the hotel restaurant, male nurse Almer took my electrocardiogram in my bedroom. Then, in a separate area, Filipino Dr. Andres Morato took my medical history, jotted down my specific complaints, and conducted a physical exam of my whole body.
Per my written answers to the Block Clinic’s earlier written queries, I told him I had six problems that I hoped the LCT would cure: (1) prostate cancer, stage Pirads 4, though under control via periodic injections of Luprolex hormones and daily intake of Duodart capsules, (2) sharp lumbar pain that radiates through my legs to my feet, (3) knee pain, (4) carpal tunnel syndrome, (5) varicose veins, and (6) general body and mental weakness. He advised me to stop taking my blood thinner (Pletaal SR 100 milligrams) for two days, Monday and Tuesday. At dinner, I was surprised to meet several Filipino congressmen and their companions who were also undergoing the LCT.
DR. SIEGFRIED BLOCK WAS AN ASSISTANT OF DR. PAUL NIEHANS who founded the LCT and set up his LCT clinic in 1931. Among his patients were Pope Paul XII, Charles de Gaulle, Dwight Eisenhower, Madonna, Pablo Picasso, and other celebrities. He was honored by Pope Paul XII as a member of the Pontifical Scientific Academy alongside Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of penicillin. Read the details in “Miracle Cells” and “Stay Young and Remain Healthy” by Dr. S. Block. His daughter, Dr. Petra Block, is the current medical director of their clinic, and his grandson, Dr. Daniel Block, is the administrative director.
July 15 (Monday) morning was free. After two online meetings, I joined my nine companions in a prearranged guided walking tour of Bad Tölz. In the afternoon, Dr. Petra Block, using the English diagnosis of Doctor Morato (who translated it to German), briefly explained that various emulsified parts of the sheep embryo corresponding to the sick human organs or tissues would be injected on the patients. Hence, the embryo’s heart for heart ailments, lungs for lung ailments, etc.
She said that the normal medical fee is 18,500 euros inclusive of full board and lodging at the comfortable, friendly, and clean hotel. The fees may be discounted depending on the number of patients in a group.
ON TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 16, Nurse Agie extracted blood for blood chemistry. Then, Cathy Serrano, the clinic’s Filipino assistant, asked me to gargle for 30 seconds and then swallow 10 milliliters of liquid Cortisone which I promptly expelled. I coughed violently, with nose drips, tear flows, and heavy sweating for two hours that needed a towel and bed rest.
After two hours (no breakfast), I calmed down. A female nurse arrived and asked me to expose my buttocks while lying face down. At about 10:21 a.m., Doctor Morato came in with 10 syringes with multicolor contents of about 30 cubic centimeters each (but two or three were bigger than the rest) mostly pink in color or cloudy white in appearance. He injected them in rapid succession—five on each side of my buttocks. The almost painless injections were done in six minutes, as timed by nurse Leonor. I was asked to remain motionless in a prone position for 30 minutes.
I remained in bed for most of Tuesday. All patients were given room service for three meals and advised to remain at bed rest during the day. At 4 p.m., Dr. Daniel Block came, and we talked for two hours and 10 minutes.
On Wednesday, July 17, I was confined to my room. All meals were brought in. Doctor Morato visited me in my room. In answer to my queries, he said he studied and practiced medicine in Berlin. As a medical staff member at the Villa Medica in Germany, he witnessed the “miraculous healing” of a young boy afflicted with advanced Parkinson’s with his saliva drooling, confined to a wheelchair, unable to stand up and walk, and with stiff hand muscles.
Forty-eight hours after the LCT injections, he walked, his saliva drooling ceased, and looked very normal. Immensely impressed, he decided to devote his remaining years as a physician practicing “alternative medicine.” He moved to the Block Clinic in 2023, after Villa Medica was closed by the German authorities.
On Thursday, July 18, my group of 10 (six patients and four companions) toured the area around and later cruised at nearby Lake Tegernsee with a savory lunch at Seehotel zur Post. We returned to Isarwinkel for our dinner. On Friday, July 19, we checked out about 9:30 a.m., toured Augsburg, and proceeded to the Munich Airport for our flight home.
Next Monday, I will summarize my long conversations with doctors Daniel Block and Morato, my personal healings as affirmed by my urologist, Dr. Dennis Serrano, 10 weeks after the 10 injections were administered, as well as my views on the efficacy of stem cells.
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