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Open our hearts, Lord
Dark Light

Open our hearts, Lord


Someone said that we, senior citizens, belong to the “Ha?!” generation. Why? Because whenever somebody says something to us, most likely, our immediate response is “Ha?!” And that’s because we are hard of hearing.


In today’s Gospel (Mark 7:31-37), Jesus healed a deaf man with a speech impediment. His healing was immediate and total. “And immediately the man’s ears were opened, his speech impediment was removed, and he spoke plainly.” The crowd was astonished by the miracle. Let us ask the Lord today to heal us in our hearing and speaking, for we hear but not listen, we speak but our words are empty and have no meaning.


The beneficiary of the healing was a foreigner, a Gentile, whose kind was looked down upon by the Jews who thought that salvation was exclusive to them. Jesus’ healing was unconditional. What a consolation to know that our God is the God of all and that God’s love is not limited by anything or anyone. We should not, we cannot control God. God is in control of everything and of everyone.


“Ephphatha! (Be opened!)” There is nothing that God cannot open. There is no knot that God cannot untie. There is no traffic that God cannot unsnarl! Is there anything that has imprisoned you or has locked you in any way? Open your heart and pray. Nothing is impossible with God. He will find a way. He will make a way!


I have a friend who is a locksmith. He can open any lock, any vault. He even fixed our tabernacle when the key got stuck. I was struck by what he said: “The hardest to open is the heart.” Indeed, for the heart must be opened from within. It involves readiness and willingness. We pray today to the Lord to remove the hardness of our hearts.


If only we really listen to God! The problem with many of us is that we do not really listen hard enough, or we do not listen to God at all. We listen to ourselves, we listen to what others are saying, but leave no room for God’s say—in our thoughts, words, and deeds. Many of us need to be “hit” before we truly listen to God. This doesn’t have to be so. May we be open to God, speaking to us, in prayer, and in the most ordinary moments of our lives. God is constantly speaking. Are we listening?


Take note that healing leads to mission. Those who have been healed or blessed must in turn go and proclaim the good news of the Lord and share His blessings. In other words, healing and blessings are not for keeps. They must not stay in our “inbox” or our “archives,” but must be sent. Payback time! What are you going to do for the rest of your life?


Happy birthday, Mama Mary! Mama Mary was someone who really listened to God, and obeyed His will. She teaches all of us that to be a disciple, we must learn to listen to God, obey His will, and carry out His mission for us. Remember the story about a room in heaven that is full of ears and tongues? When asked why, St. Peter was supposed to have said: “Those ears belonged to people who just heard the word of God, and those tongues belonged to those who spoke the word of God, but did not live it!”


See Also

Sharing with you this beautiful prayer for Our Lady, Untier of Knots: “Holy Mary, Mother of God, and our Most Blessed Mother, you know my problems, both small and large, that like knots are tight and hard to undo. I feel restricted by them, and do not know how to overcome them. I come to you, and offer myself, oh Mary, Mother of Mercy. Untie the knots that I am burdened with. Deliver me from the darkness of sin and guide me on the path of light. Protect me from confusion and doubt, and open my heart to the truth of the Gospel. Free me from the prisons that I have created, that afflict me in my life, and send me the Holy Spirit. Assist me from life’s illnesses of body and soul; deliver me from the anxieties and fears that bind me. Protect my family and loved ones and relieve me from selfishness and pride. Help me to love generously and to have a forgiving heart.

Blessed Mary, I ask for your help to unbind these knots (state the problems) so I can live my life serving Christ with serenity and hope. I ask this through Jesus Christ, your Son and our Lord, who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.”


A moment with the Lord.

Lord, help us to truly listen to You, and obey You. Amen.


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