Searching for the Messiah

To start the New Year on a light note, let me share with you something I read somewhere:
Question: Why is Jesus rich?
Answer: Because Jesus saves.
Question: Why is Jesus sad?
Answer: Because Jesus Christ (cries)!
Question: Why is Jesus happy?
Answer: Because “Messiah” siya (masaya)!
In today’s Gospel (Matthew 2:1-12), we hear about Herod searching for the Messiah. We also hear about the Magi from the east searching for the newborn King Jesus. How about you and me? Are we searching for Him? Is God on our agenda for 2025? Do we include Him as a priority in our plans, appointments, events, and activities in the year ahead of us?
It is interesting to note that Herod’s agenda in looking for the Messiah was to search and destroy Him. The Magi on the other hand were looking for the Messiah to search and adore Him. What is your agenda? Why are you looking for the “Messiah,” if ever, at all?
At the door of our Mission House, we have an image of Mama Mary carrying Jesus on a donkey being pulled by Joseph, with an inscription that says: “Follow your star, and bring Jesus wherever you go.” This is a very fitting reminder for all our SVD missionaries going to foreign missions. A very good reminder for all of us as well, to bring Jesus wherever we go, whatever we do in this new year.
Epiphany goes on. Like the Magi, we continue to diligently search for the Lord, know Him, love Him, and serve Him. Having found Him, may we continue to share His message and love to all people, especially to the poor (“mga walang wala”), to the lost, (“mga nawawala”), and to the disturbed and the troubled (“mga nagwawala”). Let us be pilgrims of hope, far and wide.
We are still searching for the “Messiah” in our country. Many have come and gone, presenting themselves to lead our people, with their ideas and plans, but things have not become better in our land. Only they, their families, and their friends have become richer, but our people have become poorer. Money and politics have destroyed and continue to destroy our core values that define us as a people and as a nation. We cannot find our “Messiah” in greedy and selfish leaders, these modern-day “Herods” have systematically changed public service into self-service. We need leaders who empower, not who impoverish and encumber us.
As we journey on, let us travel light. Let us journey with grateful, not regretful, hearts. Let us leave behind our hurts, resentments, and pride. Let us take with us a hopeful and joyful attitude as we move on. Yes, let us keep focusing on the Lord, not on the load, and be mindful of people who need our help as we journey on. Let us follow our star, our Lord, our Superstar.
Speaking of journey, let us remember the driver’s prayer: “Grant me, Oh Lord, a steady hand and a watchful eye so that no one shall be hurt as I pass by.”
Pope Francis reminds us in this Jubilee year that we are pilgrims of hope. Let us radiate light wherever we go. May we give a positive, uplifting presence with our joy, kindness, encouragement, affirmations, and good deeds. Remember, those who radiate light end up with so much peace and light in themselves as well.
One more thought for our journey: Our journey is not so much about going far and fast, as about going to the heart—to God’s heart, to other people’s hearts, to our very own hearts.
Let us journey with Mama Mary. She knows the way. She will show us the way to her Son, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Let us not forget Mama Mary, our Mother. Let us not leave her behind. Let us not belittle, disrespect, or despise her, this gentle, lowly, loving woman whose only wish is that we all follow and come closer to her Son.
What will happen this year? We don’t know. God knows. So, let us stay close to Him. Let us listen to His instructions. Let us obey His directions. Let us trust in His provisions.
Think about this: With every new year, we grow older and our death comes closer. Sana, with every new year, we, too, come closer to God.