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Spread joy!
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Spread joy!


Question: What did Adam say to Eve on the day before Christmas?

Answer: “It’s Christmas, Eve.”

—————-The story above was meant to somehow make you smile, dear readers, and forget all your burdens and cares for a while. Today is Gaudete (Rejoice) Sunday. We light the third candle in our Advent wreath to remind us to be joyful and to be hopeful as we await our Savior’s coming, amidst our daily cares and concerns.—————-“Don’t take yourself too seriously.” This is very good advice to those who become so in love with themselves, their talents, their worldly achievements, and their treasures. Everything can be gone in an instant. We are all just passing by. Remember, there is a God and you’re not Him.

—————-For those who are always so focused on their burdens and sufferings, the same advice holds: “Don’t take yourself too seriously.” Why? There is a God who told us to come to Him, and He will give us rest! Yes, there is a loving God who is with us always and in all ways.—————-In today’s Gospel (John 1:6-8, 19-28), we learn the secret to a joyful and peaceful life, and that is to believe, to follow, and to serve someone greater than ourselves. It is the presence of God that makes us confident and strong. It is the presence of God that makes us peaceful and joyful even in our trials and persecutions. Indeed, the joy of the Lord is our strength.

—————-Focus on the Lord, not on the load. When we focus on our load of problems and concerns, we often forget the Lord, and that is precisely what the evil one wants us to do. He is good at diversionary tactics, and before we know it, we are already living a life that is not filled with joy and hope. Let us keep going to the light. Let us not stay in the darkness of gloom, sorrow, and hopelessness.—————-Focus on the Lord, not on our material load. The evil one knows how to divert our attention from the Lord by making us focus on our material blessings or our lack of them. How many people are so obsessed and proud of their wealth and worldly achievements? On the same count, how many people are so burdened by financial problems, that they end up forgetting God, or even giving up, or blaming God for their poverty? Let us keep going to the light and not stay in the darkness of hopelessness and cynicism.

—————-I used to be such a worrier when I was younger. What made me change? It is faith that made me see the world more clearly, more confidently, and yes more joyfully. Thank you for the Holy Spirit that guides us and cleanses us of our negativities.—————-A lot of things we cannot change anymore in our lives, but we can always change our attitudes. May we live lives filled with the fruits of the Holy Spirit: love; joy; peace; long suffering; gentleness; goodness; faith; meekness; and self-control. (Galatians 5: 22-23)

See Also

—————-I am in Ipoh, Malaysia, to share Christmas with our overseas Filipino workers here. Yes, wherever we go, near or far, let’s bring the good news, the happy news, the hopeful news, the positive news. May we become witnesses of God’s loving and joyful presence.—————-Think about this: “Dismiss all anxiety from your minds. Present your needs to God in every form of prayer and in petitions full of gratitude. Then God’s own peace, which is beyond all understanding, will stand guard over your hearts and minds, in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:5-7)

—————-A moment with the Lord:Lord, help us to be bearers, not killers of joy. Amen.—————

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