Stop abusing the party list system

Kontra Daya’s study on the party list system is not just an eye opener but proves that the party list system is abused mainly by traditional politicians with their political dynasties, big businesspersons, members of the police and military, and other dubious characters. It is high time now that Filipino citizens must open their eyes to the abuse of this system and vote against it.
The party list system should probably be abolished since the original purpose was for the representation of the marginalized and the poor. According to Kontra Daya, more than half of the candidates in the party list are not underrepresented or marginalized. It defeated its purpose and was taken advantage of mainly by what we call the “trapos.” It is also very confusing since the party list system has different advocacies, which to most are hard to decipher or understand.
After this election, Congress should act on passing a law against the creation of political dynasties which is in our Constitution. What happened to the “hiya” of the Filipino people? By the way we vote, we are almost a laughingstock among other democratic countries. If I were a candidate for Congress, my main campaign would be to clean up our electoral process by following our Constitution on the creation of political dynasties and streamlining the party list system in order for it to go back to what it was made for: the poor and the marginalized.
Instead of all the hoopla on the campaign with TV ads, large billboards, big meetings and of course, the illegal “lagay” which everybody knows now is done as an “ayuda,” good and decent candidates should educate the electorate as to why they should be elected. Congress makes the law and if you are a candidate for representative or senator, you must have at least a working knowledge of laws and lawmaking. You just cannot rely on your popularity as an actor, TV personality, athlete, etc. The only way that we Filipinos can be proud of our democracy, especially during election is through education.
Educate the electorate.
Ida M. Tiongco,