Talk of the Town: A choice between US and China?

Comments on “A choice between US and China?” (Flea Market of Ideas by Joel Ruiz Butuyan, 5/2/24) via
Simple question … is it China or the US illegally occupying our EEZ ?
We must not choose between the US and China! We must choose to be true Filipino because if something goes wrong, we as Filipinos as a race will be the one to defend our country.
Good opinion. So, what shall this hapless country do? Firstly, I really do hope that the military exercises done in the northern tip of the country will not drag the Philippines into the possible invasion of Taiwan by China. Secondly, the opinion of Mr. Jardeleza that we can sue China for another round is worthy of a second look, since our diplomatic protests have just been largely ignored; and coming to the table with China will just lend ourselves to bullying by China.