Talk of the Town: A culture of making wrong choices

Comment on “A culture of making wrong choices,” (Commentary, 7/20/24) via
There were Filipinos who made the choice to leave the country during the authoritarian regime of our present president’s father. These are some of the best and the brightest amongst us. The decision to leave was made more imperative when the regime became more repressive and dissent, even for the good of the country, was not tolerated. More funds had been funnel [ed] to the military and police than to education, and public education morphed into indoctrination. Our educational system has not risen from this deterioration. With an authoritarian government, corruption and impunity had worsened, becoming institutionalized in fact. To reverse this morally bankrupt culture will take a strong leader with a heart focused on the national progress and people’s well-being. Can we find such a leader or leaders that we can wholeheartedly support before we fall into the abyss?
Antonio L. Lim