Talk of the Town: Both the planning and the cramming

Comments on “Both the planning and the cramming” (Question the Box, 10/31/24)
Students want leaders who don’t dance on Tiktok and yet they spend so much time on Tiktok. They also want leaders who “go through the muck” because they’ve been trained by Tiktok to be driven by impulse.
– Monk Manuel
While the aspirations for student growth and responsible leadership are commendable, the real blame lies with the educators. Many teachers seem more focused on TikTok trends than on imparting critical thinking and logic. This reflects a systemic issue in our education system, especially in universities that allow students with poor skills to pass through their doors… The hope for students to become empathetic leaders who navigate complexities with foresight is admirable, but it must start with educators committed to instilling essential skills and values. Only then can we break this cycle and prepare future leaders to rise above the superficial distractions of our digital age.
– Nemesis
Why our teachers choose to leave