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Talk of the Town: Curbing corruption
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Talk of the Town: Curbing corruption


Comments on “Curbing corruption,” (No Free Lunch by Cielito Habito, 12/10/2024) via

Waiting for the “right” leader is practically hopeless. Maybe the 3 branches of the government can agree to call for a “moratorium” and start with a clean slate. Corrupt government officials will be given a chance to start with a clean slate. Hence, all forms of corruption will be dealt with severely. Immediate termination from office and stiff prison terms!

Tagumpay Pablo

I strongly disagree with the idea that to curb corruption, it must start from the top. What happens if the top is also corrupt or doesn’t have the guts to pursue corruption? To curb corruption, the energy, the push, the effort has to start from the people. They can kick the top guy if he or she is corrupt by impeaching the leader or by not voting for him or her or by people power. The Arab spring did a lot of damage to corrupt leaders in that region. (And) they were initiated by the people. The leadership of Cardinal Sin put pressure against the deposed leaders from the Philippines. So it doesn’t have to be pushed from the top.

See Also

Jorge Villanueva

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