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Talk of the Town: Days of reckoning
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Talk of the Town: Days of reckoning


Comments on “Days of reckoning,” (Editorial, 8/23/24) via

BBM not included as still current, we have a bad record of past presidents. 3 out of 6 were graft ridden and one of which had murder related to leaked video of gambling. and it goes down to senators, ehem, pdf … congress people so on to mayors but there is one shining mayor who is probably rich so doesnt need to steal. rich not in money but value. we may have a culture problem. and china relies on it to drill holes on our country.


“may have a culture problem”… no, there is definitely a culture problem of corruption and the very sad thing is that the Justice system and the political system was designed that way , and is from top to bottom! The 1% will never change it because that is how they want it. So, everyone is clouded in an overlaying blanket that all filipino and the Philippines is just a 3rd world despot, with absolutely no desire to change, the world knows and after the ICC is finished and all our shame is visible, WHAT WILL WE DO?


See Also

Unfortunately, the judiciary jail the small fish only, not the masterminds. For example, the soldiers who shot Ninoy, the Senate employees not the corrupt senators in the PDAF scam.


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