Talk of the Town: Mail-in, early ballots to decide US polls

Comments on “Mail-in, early ballots to decide US polls” (With Due Respect by Artemio V. Panganiban 11/04/24) via
Mail-in ballots are not only coming from within the CONUS (Continental United States) but also coming from overseas. Based on 2020 US Census, there are 4.4 million US citizens abroad and 2.8 million are 18 years or older and eligible to vote in US federal elections. Therefore, the more than 2 million individual votes cannot be ignored. Most Americans living overseas are member of the armed forces, embassy staff, federal service employees (civil service), and retirees are included in this count. There are too many young retirees living in the Philippines [who] are paying US federal taxes but are [exempted] in paying state taxes.
Emiliano Delacruz
The white race losing majority status in the US is the main driver of the seemingly irrational choice of Trump for the Presidency. You cannot convince the MAGA world that immigration has been a net plus for America.