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Talk of the Town: Round up the usual suspects!
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Talk of the Town: Round up the usual suspects!


Comments on “Round up the usual suspects!” (The Long View by Manuel L. Quezon III, 7/24/24) via

The milking cow is now being led to the slaughter house. Yet many will grieve over lost income. Many politicians will also lose contributions for elections and the usual grease money. Policemen will also the payola. they will now look for other sources. Marami pa naman ‘dyan. “The gambling known as business looks with severe disfavor on the business known as gambling.” – Ambrose Bierce

Kokis Balles


At the end of the year, all politicians’ cash cows will be gone. What would be the basis for their political strategy? Perhaps they will create a new platform in the same manner that they created the PDAF.
I do not believe the POGOs will disappear. Too much money involved. Notice how POGO raids have stopped?

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