Talk of the Town: Treading on dangerous waters

Comments on “Treading on dangerous waters,” (Editorial, 1/10/25) via
This is another clear result of China’s territorial grab where Filipino small time fishermen and companies fight for fishing rights in smaller areas. The large boats of companies can’t fish in the bigger west PH sea area because they will be harassed by CCG and thus are forced to fish in municipal waters (closer to shore).
China has been dividing Filipinos placing agents of influence and division in high ranking govt positions.
These agents have decision-making authorities that impacts national security and the lives of thousands or even millions of Filipinos. I hope we all Filipinos wake up and put a united fight against China. Bawasan ang pamumulitika and instead focus on the survival of our country and countrymen… Please understand, the PH will collapse if you, our govt officials, don’t get their acts together.
Supreme Court, really? Can’t think for a moment without the usual legalese since small fishermen are involved? What other recourse would they have?
mario favila
Alam na money changes everything, including principles.