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Talk of the Town: Will Quiboloy evolve as our spiritual leader?
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Talk of the Town: Will Quiboloy evolve as our spiritual leader?


Comment on “Will Quiboloy evolve as our spiritual leader?” (Flea Market of Ideas by Joel Ruiz Butuyan, 3/28/24) via

Politicians will never oppose block voting because it is easier for them to approach one person (the cult leader) and promise him anything than to win the votes

of a million people who want many, many things. The solution? Expose both the cult leaders and their chosen candidates and insult the cult believers that they have no brains (but they already accept it that they are brainless and clueless and it is very difficult for them to think by themselves). We—the educated and independent minded voters—should therefore be one in NOT voting for those cult-endorsed politicos.

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Lala Sandones

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