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8th Indie-Siyensya to champion interconnectedness of science and culture, calls for short film submission
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8th Indie-Siyensya to champion interconnectedness of science and culture, calls for short film submission


Fresh from its successful seventh run, the Department of Science and Technology-Science Education Institute’s (DOST-SEI) Indie-Siyensya calls for entries for a new season, bannering the theme “Science and Filipino Culture: Siyensya sa Kultura, Kultura sa Siyensya.”

This year, Indie-Siyensya hopes to captivate students and young filmmakers to explore the relationship and influence between science and the rich tapestry of Filipino culture and tradition.

The country’s pioneering science filmmaking competition, in partnership with the Film Development Council of the Philippines (FDCP), continues its shared commitment to promote a strong culture of science among the youth through audio-visual mediums such as films.

Interested applicants may join as individuals or as a group. The competition is open to Filipino citizens, 13-18 years old for the Youth Category and at least 19 years old on the last day of film submission for those who will join the Open Category.

Films under the youth category shall focus on locating science in Filipino culture. It shall highlight the scientific basis and validity (evidence-based) of indigenous practices and traditions. Meanwhile, films under the open category shall focus on locating Filipino culture in how Filipinos understand, communicate, and appropriate S&T into their daily lives. It shall also highlight the integration of Filipino culture in science and technology interventions particularly in promoting human well-being, wealth creation, wealth protection, and sustainability.

Documentary film entries must have a total running time of not more than five minutes. The deadline for submission of entries is on August 31, 2024.

The Board of Judges, composed of renowned scientists and filmmakers, shall select the top five finalists from each category. Selected films will participate in the Film Festival which will happen at various Cinematheque Centers nationwide and will be showcased through its online channel, JuanFlix: The FDCP Channel.

Winners will take home a P200,000 cash prize for the Best Film, P150,000 for the Second Best Film, and P100,000 for the Third Best Film.

For the full mechanics, you may visit: Submit your entries at or email for more details.

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