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Modern woman brings new voice amid challenging roles
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Modern woman brings new voice amid challenging roles

Amy Remo

She was a breath of fresh air, exuding a warm yet radiant energy as she made her way toward us, her hand already extended, ready to shake ours.

Camille Villar flashed a radiant smile as she greeted us, before settling on the plush couch at the lobby of Brittany Hotel Villar City. She scooped a handful of fries and took a slice of pizza, seemingly unfazed by the whirlwind of responsibilities she juggles daily as a wife and mother of two, a driven entrepreneur behind some of the most unique retail concepts in the Philippines, and a dedicated public servant to the residents of Las Piñas City.

But her demeanor was anything but stressed—despite just coming from Batangas that morning. If anything, she seemed to thrive on the hustle, embracing challenges with grace and passion.

“I would get overwhelmed,” she admitted. “But my dad would tell me: you just have to prioritize, you have to know what’s important, then complete your tasks one thing at a time, and you will see that things will fall into place. In my case, he said family is the most important so I need to prioritize my family. If they need me, I drop everything. And then after that, I carve time out for public service and then business. And that’s kind of how I’ve been managing my time.”

Family first

Indeed, Villar embodies the modern woman who wears many hats effortlessly—her life, as though a masterclass in passion, determination and prioritization.

Motherhood, for example, has been a grounding force that enables her to navigate life’s challenges with a deeper sense of purpose. She takes after her parents, who both balanced a busy career in politics and business, yet still have time for the family.

For Camille Villar, family must always come first.

“My parents created quite a career for themselves, but our whole lives, they were very present. They’ve always shown us that family is first and family is the most important. When everyone is okay, it really empowers you to do more. I’m able to do a lot of the things that I do in business and in politics because my family is there, not just my kids and my husband, but also my parents and my brothers,” Villar shared.

“It’s difficult to give your best when you’re worrying about your family. But once that’s settled, I can have a clear mind and accomplish more,” she added.

Tycoon Manny Villar with daughter Camille

Entrepreneurial journey

And it was her family, too, who would ignite her entrepreneurial spirit. Among them would be her dad, tycoon Manny Villar, the founder of the country’s largest homebuilder Vista Land and Lifescapes Inc., and Golden MV Holdings, among other ventures.

Inspired by her father’s teachings, she would however carve a name for herself as she pioneered fresh concepts that proved to be game-changing in the retail industry.

“I’m proud to be part of AllHome, AllDay Supermarket, and Coffee Project,” she said, her eyes lighting up as she spoke of her entrepreneurial ventures. “My dad and I would try to bring the best of what we saw abroad and into our brands. It’s something we took tremendous pride in.”

Fresh perspective

A turning point for Villar was 2019, when she was then juggling a lot of things on her plate. At that time, she was about to launch the initial public offering for AllHome, while campaigning for public office and caring for her young family.

Despite the challenges, it was her passion that allowed her to thrive—the same passion that allowed her to stand out, innovate and introduce new concepts.

“We didn’t conform. We weren’t weighed down by what was there before, and that fresh perspective became an advantage,” Villar explained, noting that as a newcomer in the retail industry, they embraced the advantage of thinking outside the box.

In AllDay, for example, she introduced the paluto concept, wherein shoppers can have fresh produce cooked for them on the spot. The store also made available your favorite global brands that you can purchase on retail. During the pandemic, AllDay was the first to introduce to the Philippines the self-checkout kiosks, among other innovations. With All Home, they compiled everything for the home in one store—no need to drive around to different places, she added.

“We didn’t know a lot, but that allowed us to innovate,” she said. “My father always challenged us to do something that’s never been done before. Even in public service, I strive to be a little unconventional, to make a real difference.”

Out-of-the-box approach

This same out-of-the-box thinking influenced her practical approach to public service.

Villar, the Representative of the lone district of Las Piñas City, admitted that her entry into public service brought its own set of hurdles. She, however, was quick to find her footing by leveraging her background in business.

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“I found that I was able to introduce a new kind of perspective, having come from my business background. I understood the challenges faced by business owners, and that perspective helped when creating laws. It’s about making things easier for everyone,” Villar explained.

“My ultimate goal is to help as many people as I can, to make people’s lives a little lighter or at least a little bit easier. It’s not always about making great changes, but rather doing enough to at least make a great difference in a person’s life,” she added.


For now, as Villar continues to navigate the frenzy of her multifaceted life, she revealed her aspirations with clarity and passion.

As a mother, her only wish is for her children to grow up happy and empowered. She dreams of them finding their own passions, succeeding in what they love, without imposing rigid standards.

In her professional life, Villar balances the pursuit of profits with a deep-seated desire to create meaningful and admired products. Whether it’s a supermarket, hotel, or coffee shop, her goal is to build brands that resonate with people and enrich their lives.

And in public service, Villar’s motivation is straightforward: to make a positive impact on as many lives as possible, to provide support where it’s needed most. She seeks to improve the lives of her constituents, addressing their needs with practical solutions and dedication.

Despite her achievements, Villar knows she still has a long way to go. The key, she stressed, is to continue working hard—whether it’s for your family, for business or public service.

“You can never really achieve success right away—everything takes time. And as with anything in life, it is not without disappointments or setbacks, but you have to persevere. You can’t allow mistakes and setbacks to stop you from achieving your goal,” Villar concluded.

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