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The art of creating a positive space
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The art of creating a positive space


What is feng shui and how does it help your energy?

According to international feng shui expert Marites Allen, feng shui is a science that dates back over 4,000 years ago, and is based on categorizing the environment into five basic elements: fire, earth, wood, water and metal. Each element attracts either positive or negative energy. This energy is called chi and it brings good fortune to those who are surrounded by it.

Practicing good feng shui principles can increase energy levels and keep you physically and mentally healthy.

Basic principles

Great interior design and space planning follow basic principles of feng shui. 

The rule is to create or place square furniture in line with the room’s layout so that things will be squared off. (

Sometimes without you even realizing it, the way you position your sofa in relation to your television, or the way you position your head in your bedroom can affect your health—this is where basic feng shui principles can be useful for creating more positive energy within yourself. 

Here are some practical feng shui tips from Allen on how to invite positive energy into your spaces.

Clearing clutter at the entrance

Why is clearing clutter important, and in which area of the home should we do it?

One main area to avoid clutter is the front entrance. Make sure shoes are on a shelf, not in a pile, and that keys, coins, and wallets are in a tray or hidden.

If possible, place a plant in the entrance of the home, as a living plant is a great way to help chi come in and flow through the space.

One of the key elements with a front entrance is to make sure that there is not a direct line of sight to the back door. If there is, all your energy or good luck is going to leave straight away. If this is unavoidable, place a sofa, a chair, or even accent a table with a floral arrangement to block the pathway and allow Chi to land in the rest of the house.

Great interior design and space planning follow basic principles of feng shui. (

Feng shui in the living room

The first rule is to bring as much natural light into the space as possible. Always have your drapes open to bring in light and good energy. Opening the windows also allows stale energy to dispel.

The rule is to create or place square furniture in line with the room’s layout so that things will be squared off. This creates communication and conversation between those who live in the space.

See Also


Good energy in the kitchen

To have great energy in the kitchen requires one main thing: great lighting. The sink (symbolizing water) should be on the north side while the stove (symbolizing fire) should be on the south side, otherwise things will be off balance.


Also, hide the knives in a drawer. Feng Shui is all about symbolism and knives represent discomfort. Hide your trash can in a cupboard under the sink. Keep a bowl of fruit on the counter: fruit symbolizes abundance and health and wealth.

Wealth, success in an office space

The first rule to create more wealth, and success in an office space is to declutter. Remove all loose paper on your desk; file it all in a tray. Hide unsightly cords. Cords represent competition. Most importantly, your desk must not face the wall. Make sure that you have a direct visual eye line to the door. This symbolizes that you don’t want someone to sneak up on you.

Your desk must not face the wall. (

A good night’s sleep

When you’re lying in bed, you should have a direct, visible eye line to the entry door. If someone opens the door, you’ll see them right away so no one can sneak up on you.

Mirrors must not reflect your bed. (

Mirrors are a great way to help the energy flow especially if they reflect something beautiful. But they must not reflect your bed. That’s like inviting a stranger into your bedroom. If you’re married, it almost symbolizes cheating.

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