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How key values can lead to a productive workplace
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How key values can lead to a productive workplace


The unemployment rate in the Philippines decreased to 4.1 percent in May 2024, from 4.3 percent last year, according to the Philippine Statistics Authority, signaling a slightly brighter outlook for job seekers. However, the fact remains that 2 million Filipinos, many of whom are college graduates, remain unemployed.

On the other hand, employers continue to prioritize not just technical skills but also key values like professionalism, loyalty, and teamwork, when evaluating potential hires.

How can we empower both job seekers and current employees to be contributors and collaborators? Or if you are now part of the workforce, what values can you develop to advance your career?

We asked April Salonga, Inquirer Academy’s resource person on leadership and emotional intelligence, to enlighten us on the five essential values that employers seek:

Positive Attitude

Optimistic employees are happier, healthier and more productive. A positive attitude at work promotes high energy, better problem-solving and creativity. It also fosters good relationships within the organization. Keeping a gratitude journal may help develop a happier outlook in life and at work. Writing three to five things you are grateful for at the end of the day or before you sleep will give you a sense of fulfillment and inner joy.


Doing what you say you will do is the beginning of increased trust and dependability that people will put in you. Your ability to complete a task with quality will be your most valuable asset when it comes to keeping the job and opening doors of opportunity for promotion. Practice keeping promises, no matter how small they might be. Coming on time for appointments, handing in your reports ahead of time, or even doing chores you promised to do at home can slowly change your behavior and actions towards work and life.


Adaptability is not just about being flexible. In today’s dynamic and ever-changing world, you must also possess the ability to respond effectively and efficiently to different situations in the workplace. People with high adaptability have a constantly developing mindset, learning skills and new frameworks that enable them to quickly assess and deal with workplace challenges. Make it a habit to learn new things every day, whether through reading books or listening to podcasts. The more you know, the more equipped you will be to face the challenges ahead.

Team player mentality

Collaboration is key. You cannot do everything alone. Being a team player not only helps achieve work goals but also reduces workplace stress. A supportive team environment fosters emotional well-being, boosting productivity, efficiency and innovation.

Offer help whenever possible. If you see someone struggling at work, simply checking on them can make a difference.


Workplace loyalty seems to have transformed over the years. But loyalty is not dead. We just need to accept that the younger workforce defines it differently. Loyalty nowadays means working within the prescribed hours, valuing quality output and staying with organizations where they feel they belong. Communicating these expectations with your boss can enhance mutual understanding.

See Also

Salonga will facilitate a course titled “Essential Workplace Values: Creating a Positive and Productive Workplace” on Oct. 25 to be held in Makati City.

For your other learning needs, Inquirer Academy could assist you in designing and facilitating a live workshop, a webinar, or a self-paced online course for your organization.

For more information, write to, or send an SMS to these numbers 0919.3428667 and 0998.9641731.


The author is the executive director of Inquirer Academy.

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