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Mysterious stem cells: ASC infusion process (2)
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Mysterious stem cells: ASC infusion process (2)

Artemio V. Panganiban

I explained last Monday that there are, in general, two types of stem cell therapies. I started with the autologous stem cell (ASC) treatment advocated by Dr. Samuel D. Bernal. Let me now narrate my experience on the infusion of the strengthened ASC.

THE FIRST INFUSION OF MY STRENGTHENED ASC was on Sept. 1, 2013, for which I was required to stay overnight at the Medical City as a precaution against possible complications or allergies. Injected intravenously by Dr. Denise Lavilles were 20 million of each of these laboratory-nurtured stem cells (or a total of 80 million) of (1) mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) “that can transform into other body cells that the body needs,” meaning that “they were the best cell type that can supplement overall health maintenance wellness,” (2) endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) which help repair blood cells, (3) osteoblasts (OS) which assist in bone repair, and (4) chondroblasts (CH) which repair weakened cartilages.

I had no problems, no complications, no allergies, no discomfort except that a male nurse was not able to initially insert the needle resulting in a bubbled and busted vein.

In the afternoon of that day (Sept. 1, 2013), Dr. Bernal visited my hospital room where we had a two-hour discussion. Among others, he explained that after a huge debate among local doctors, our government approved only the autologous stem cell treatment and banned the injection of foreign bodies like “sheep parts.” He also said the subgroups of autologous stem cells, like those taken from fat or blood, were either not working or unsanitary and could be sources of infection.

THE SECOND INFUSION ON SEPT. 20, 2013 was uneventful. It consisted of 100 million stem cells (no longer 80 million): 35 percent EPC; 15 percent MSC, 25 percent OS, and 25 percent CH. The third infusion on Oct. 25, 2013, and the fourth on Nov. 23, 2013, were also uneventful. The fifth infusion on Dec. 20, 2013, with the same proportion of injected stem cells, was also a non-event. However, after the infusion, I was finally able to visit their very clean and impressive laboratory where the stem cells were strengthened and stored.

The sixth and final infusion on Jan. 23, 2014, with the same proportion of stem cells, was uneventful also. However, I advised Dr. Lavilles that (1) my physical prowess improved, (2) my hair was more supple, and (3) my face had fewer facial lines, except that while those on the left side almost disappeared, those on the right were still noticeable, resulting in the left side of my face looking younger than the right.

Prior to and amid the stem cell injections, I suffered various illnesses, especially the inflammation of my mandibular (lower jaw) area, a high PSA of 8.96 which could mean cancer of the prostate, and knee degeneration. Dr. Nathaniel Yan attended to my mandibular problem, Dr. Nikki Magsanoc found no cancer in my prostate after two separate biopsies, and Dr. Antonio Rivera diagnosed my knee degeneration as normal for my age but that I should avoid lifting heavy objects.

I also suffered from sleeping problems for which Dr. Deborah Arce Bernardo prescribed Rivotril and melatonin. I did not think of my stem cell therapy to heal these ailments, as they were not included in the physical and mental strengthening I complained about.

AFTER FIVE YEARS, IN 2019, I thought of repeating the ASC therapy, this time for the continued elevation of my PSA, but the COVID-19 pandemic intervened. After the pandemic, I started asking for the whereabouts of Dr. Bernal because he did not reply to my texts. In his place, Dr. Lavilles volunteered to conduct the ASC therapy herself, but only if my cancer doctor gave me clearance. Not believing in the science and power of stem cells, my cancer doctor refused to give me the needed clearance. Thus, my attempt to repeat my ASC treatment was frustrated.

Some months thereafter, a retired justice (who, for privacy’s sake, I will merely refer to as “RJ”) advised me to forgo the ASC and instead undergo the living cell therapy (LCT) in the clinic of Dr. Siegfried Block in Lenggries, a suburb of Munich, Germany. RJ explained that he/she too wanted to undergo a second ASC with Dr. Bernal whom he/she could not locate.

See Also

RJ explained that his/her preserved old cells kept in the lab of Dr. Bernal may have been lost and/or could no longer be used. In any event, I still sent my newer medical albums to Dr. Lavilles preparatory to the possible infusion of the rejuvenated ASC deposited in the Medical City Cell Bank. Later, Dr. Lavilles explained that without the consent of my cancer doctor, she would decline to conduct the ASC.

Consequently, I decided to try the LCT. Dr. Dennis Serrano, my prostate doctor, gave his consent saying some of his patients have been healed by stem cell treatments. To prepare me for it, RJ gave me two books written by Dr. Siegfried Block: “Miracle Cells” and “Stay Young and Remain Healthy.” I found them enlightening, compelling and educational on the science behind the LCT and the miracles it had done on several world celebrities including Pope Pius XII, Charles de Gaulle, Dwight Eisenhower, and Winston Churchill.

The LCT infusion procedure is next Monday.


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