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B2B marketing in the digital era
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B2B marketing in the digital era

Josiah Go

Kristelle Dizon is the head of Globe Business. She oversees the strategic direction and operational management of business to business (B2B) services, driving growth through customer acquisition, innovation and operational excellence. In this interview, she provides insights into the B2B landscape and industry dynamics.

Question: How has the push for digital transformation impacted your B2B strategies and what specific digital initiatives have proven most effective in improving client outcomes?

Answer: The push for digital transformation has driven Globe Business to enhance our B2B strategies by adopting a more client-centric and agile approach. In response to the accelerated digital shifts across industries, we’ve aligned our services to better support clients in their own transformation journeys. Key initiatives that have been particularly effective include:

– Cloud migration for scalability and cost efficiency: We’ve facilitated migration to cloud platforms. This enables businesses to scale efficiently while optimizing costs, ensuring secure data management and business continuity.

– Strengthening cybersecurity measures: To protect against rising digital threats, we’ve rolled out comprehensive cybersecurity initiatives. This provides advanced threat protection, real-time intelligence and compliance support.

– AI-driven business optimization: We’ve also launched artificial intelligence (AI)-driven initiatives. We’re continuously helping businesses leverage tailored applications to streamline operations, boost customer engagement and make informed, data-driven decisions.

– Boosting connectivity for hybrid work: We’ve spearheaded initiatives to enhance connectivity. This enables seamless communication and collaboration crucial for supporting remote and hybrid work setups.

– Improving client engagement with digital platforms: Our focus on developing client-centric digital platforms has allowed businesses greater transparency and management of their services, leading to improved satisfaction.

– Adopting a digital ad engagement strategy: We’ve embraced a strategy that aligns digital ads with client online behavior. This fosters personalized and contextually relevant interactions during their decision-making process.

These initiatives have strengthened our position as a key partner in our clients’ digital transformation journeys, delivering significant value and improving client outcomes.

Q: How are AI and automation shaping the future of your B2B services, and what are some specific applications that have already made a significant impact?

A: Artificial intelligence and automation are transforming Globe Business’s B2B services, driving innovation, streamlining processes and improving overall efficiency. We are committed to leading the adoption of AI, focusing on its pivotal role in technological advancement and maintaining competitiveness.

Integrating Google Gemini into our productivity tools, we see this AI enhancing workflow efficiency and decision-making capabilities. Similarly, by utilizing Google AppSheet, we have streamlined internal processes, enabling rapid development and driving significant costs savings. Meanwhile, in our customer experience management (CXM) programs, we leverage AI to elevate customer experiences by blending automated solutions with human expertise, ensuring the efficiency of automation is complemented by the personal touch of human insight for superior service delivery.

Our approach to AI and automation is centered on automating economically viable tasks, prioritizing those with substantial impact on profitability, and empowering our employees to leverage these tools for improved productivity and internal processes.

Q: In the B2B telecom space, how do you balance the need for customized solutions with the efficiencies of standardized offerings? Are there any particular strategies or tools you use to achieve this balance?

A: Balancing customized solutions with standardized offerings is crucial in the B2B space. At Globe Business, we achieve this balance through targeted strategies and tools designed to meet diverse client needs while maintaining operational efficiency:

– Customer engagement initiatives: Our programs like Globe Business Breakthrough and MindHive provide tailored insights and solutions. Globe Business Breakthrough offers masterclasses and product roadshows to showcase our expertise. Meanwhile, MindHive includes industry-specific sandboxing sessions to foster innovation and address key priorities such as operational efficiency and customer experience.

– Brain break: This gamified meet-and-greet event engages working-level teams with interactive sessions and updates on digital and marketing trends, helping to build relationships and understand client needs more deeply.

– Partner affiliations: Collaborations with industry organizations and participation in key events help us stay connected with market trends and client needs, enhancing our ability to offer relevant and effective solutions.

These strategies allow us to offer both tailored and standardized solutions effectively, delivering value while optimizing efficiency.

Q: In what ways are you leveraging data analytics to enhance the customer experience for B2B clients, and can you provide an example of a recent success story?

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A: At Globe Business, we leverage data analytics to deliver more personalized and seamless interactions to enhance customer experience. Advanced segmentation provides insights into each client’s needs and behaviors, enabling us to proactively offer tailored solutions. This not only optimizes the customer journey but also strengthens satisfaction and long-term partnerships.

We use funnel analysis to pinpoint and resolve friction points in our service onboarding process, reducing onboarding time for a smoother client experience. A/B testing helps refine our communications, ensuring interactions are timely and relevant.

A recent success story on notable outcomes: conversion rates up by 4x as of August this year, and lead engagement turnaround time reduced by 50 percent. Our proactive approach allowed us to engage prospects faster. This led to a smoother customer journey and a more efficient path to conversion.

Q: What are the biggest challenges your company faces in innovating and adapting its B2B services, and how do you overcome these obstacles?

A: Innovating and adapting B2B services at Globe Business involves navigating several key challenges:

– Customer readiness: Clients often face hurdles such as budget constraints, varying levels of technological knowhow and digital maturity. To address these, we offer tailored solutions that align with their financial and technical capabilities, and provide extensive support to ease their transition.

– Human connections: Effective innovation requires strong relationships and clear communication. We conduct business consultations to gain a deep understanding of client needs and tailor solutions accordingly. This approach not only provides precisely what they need but also helps clients optimize their resources.

– Ecosystem of connections: Building a robust network of industry partners and technology providers is crucial. We actively foster these connections to enhance our service offerings and integrate diverse solutions that drive innovation.

By focusing on these areas, Globe Business effectively overcomes challenges and continues to advance its B2B services, ensuring we meet the evolving needs of our clients.

Josiah Go is chair and chief innovation strategist of Mansmith and Fielders, and the co-founder (with Chiqui Escareal-Go) of the Mansmith Innovation Awards. Visit for details. For a complete version of this interview is available, go to

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