BIZ BUZZ: Love hurts

Ah, what love can do: make highly respected individuals do crazy things.
That’s what some disgruntled public servants are telling Biz Buzz, to try and explain why this supposedly upright and honorable top government official has chosen to use his considerable influence to give his special someone cushy positions.
It’s one thing if the paramour is unquestionably qualified for these posts in high-level local and international institutions.
It is quite another, however, if the object of his affection is not, especially as other more senior and eminently more qualified individuals had to be eased out in the process.
Despite widespread misgivings, it looks like change is still coming to this regional institution, thanks to this top government executive’s flexing of his well-connected muscles.
Now who is this government official, you ask? Here’s a clue: his name has a lot of vowels.